- Drama: Legally Romance
- Country: China
- Episode: 33
- Aired: Mar 10, 2022 - April 5, 2022
- Original Series: Tencent Video
- Duration: 45 min.
Story Line:
At twenty-eight years old, Qian Wei should have been well on her way to establishing herself in her career. However, working as a paralegal for Lu Xun has so far proven to be anything but awesome. Harboring a grudge that dates back to their days as students, Lu Xun has made sure Qian Wei’s life is nothing short of a living hell. But when Qian Wei becomes the victim of a tragic accident, everything changes.
Now in a coma, Qian Wei finds herself in a dream world in which she has reverted back to her teenage self. It’s here, in the world within a world, that she finds a very different Lu Xun. Meeting him in this dream world, Qian Wei discovers an entirely different side of her persnickety boss.